How To Leverage Video Content in Your Social Media Ads In 2024


Social media video advertising has emerged as a winning strategy for businesses aiming to connect with their audience. Reports indicate that 91% of businesses will leverage video content in 2024. The surge is driven by video’s unparalleled ability to convey messages, enhance brand visibility, and drive engagement across platforms like YouTube shorts ads, Facebook video ads and more.

Despite creating compelling content, many videos struggle to capture the audience’s attention. To overcome this challenge, businesses must optimise their social media video content to maximise engagement.

The transformative impact of social media video content is increasingly evident; it’s no longer just about photos, captions, and hashtags. Today’s leading social media platforms harness live video’s compelling power to make a lasting impression.

In this article, our experts at Digital Eagles cover five key tips for creating impactful social media video content in 2024.

Tips for Your Social Media Video Content & Advertising

1. Focus on Short and Impactful Videos

Recent data indicates that 54% of marketers utilise short-form videos in their 2024 strategies, highlighting their growing popularity.

As a Facebook video ads creator, develop brief, impactful videos that will hold your audience’s attention:

  • Conciseness: Short videos deliver messages quickly, catering to the fast-paced nature of social media.
  • Platform Suitability: Platforms like TikTok and Instagram favour short, engaging content.
  • High Engagement: Short videos often lead to higher engagement rates due to their snackable nature.

83% of marketers believe videos should be under 60 seconds. With such a limited window, you need to develop concise, authentic, and informative content. Align your videos with the best social media advertising practices to maximise their effectiveness.

The short-form video approach ensures your brand leverages brief, compelling storytelling, thereby enhancing your overall social media strategy.

2. Optimise Video Content for Mobile Users

As mobile device usage for video content continues to rise, it’s essential to optimise your videos for mobile viewing. Recent statistics show that 75% of people enjoy short-form videos on their mobile devices.

To optimise your videos for mobile, incorporate easy-to-read text, sharp visuals, and concise messaging that works well on smaller screens. It also helps to ensure your videos look great on various devices to provide a consistent viewing experience.

Whether they are e-commerce video ads or shots showing the results of a service, by focusing on mobile optimisation, you cater to a significant segment of your audience, enhancing the effectiveness and reach of your social media video content across platforms like YouTube ads and Facebook video ads.

3. Design Engaging Thumbnails and Titles

Thumbnails and titles capture your audience’s attention as they browse through their social media feeds. These elements function as the first impression of your video content, influencing whether users will engage or scroll past.

Creating a striking thumbnail and an enticing title can:

  • Instantly draw the viewer’s eye and pique curiosity
  • Effectively communicate the core message of your video
  • Encourage users to stop scrolling and explore your content
  • Increase the chances of a click and subsequent engagement
  • Quickly establish a connection with potential viewers

To stand out amid the vast amount of visual content, invest time in designing unique and visually appealing thumbnails. A video ads creator should craft titles that clearly express the value of your video, enhancing the likelihood of engagement (especially on competitive platforms like Facebook video ads and YouTube Shorts ads).

4. Optimise Your Posting Schedule

Posting your videos when your audience is most active ensures they appear in feeds at the right moments, significantly boosting engagement. As such, timing is everything when maximising engagement with your social media video content.

To find the best times to upload your videos, analyse your audience’s activity patterns across all your social media platforms. Utilise social media marketing tools to gather data-driven insights. These tools can help you pinpoint peak activity periods, allowing you to schedule your posts for maximum visibility and interaction.

5. Ensure Consistent Branding and Visual Appeal

Your brand identity goes beyond just a logo; it encompasses the visual and thematic elements that make your business unique. Maintaining a consistent branding and aesthetic across your video content and social media platforms allows for:

  • Trust Building: A consistent brand image fosters trust and reliability
  • Instant Recognition: Helps your audience recognise your content quickly in a crowded feed
  • Audience Familiarity: Establishes a familiar presence that resonates with viewers
  • Clear Messaging: Ensures that your visuals align seamlessly with your brand’s message
  • Professional Image: Projects a unified and professional look
  • Customer Loyalty: Builds a strong connection, encouraging repeat engagement

Adopt a cohesive colour palette, consistent fonts, and unified graphic styles to create a seamless visual experience that strengthens your brand’s identity and values.

Ready to Elevate Your Social Media Video Advertising?

Unlock the full potential of your social media video content across YouTube short ads, Facebook ads and more with expert guidance from our specialists at Digital Eagles. Whether you are a nationwide e-commerce store or a local service provider, we are here to help you navigate the dynamic world of social media advertising, ensuring your brand stands out and engages effectively with your audience.Contact us at Digital Eagles today to discover how we can support your growth and amplify your online presence.

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